Next Steps - Rough Sleeping and Accommodation during

COVID-19 Pandemic and Recovery




That the recommendations be amended with the deletion of recommendations (1) and (5) as struck through and the insertion of new recommendations (1)  - (4) and a revision of the numbering as shown in bold italics below:


(1)       That the Homeless Bill of Rights be adopted (as referred to in the Homelessness and Rough Sleeping Strategy 2020-25) as an aspirational document and as the standard against which the Council and its partners judge its policies and practices and outcomes;


(1)      That the Housing Committee be requested to commission a financial audit to provide an accurate annual cost of implementing the Homeless Bill of Rights


(2)      That the Housing Committee be requested to commission a full consultation with residents about the use and financial implications of the Homeless Bill of Rights, as outlined in paragraph 3.24, as a standard against which the Council and its partners judge our policies and practices. Appendix 2


(3)      That a revised Homeless Bill of Rights be brought back to full Council for adoption, if necessary, so that it reflects the opinions and wishes of residents expressed through the consultation.


(4)      That the Housing Committee be requested to identify how the activities outlined in the Homeless Bill of Rights would be funded; and


(5)       That a copy of the resolution is signed by the Leader and sent to FEANTSA to mark its commitment to the international movement of solidarity with homeless people; and


(5)       That it be agreed to commit to a process of continuous commitment, improvement and engagement to uphold rights of homeless people.


Proposed by:                                                         Cllr Fishleigh    Seconded by: Cllr Janio









Recommendations to read if carried:

(1)      That the Housing Committee be requested to commission a financial audit to provide an accurate annual cost of implementing the Homeless Bill of Rights


(2)      That the Housing Committee be requested to commission a full consultation with residents about the use and financial implications of the Homeless Bill of Rights, as outlined in paragraph 3.24, as a standard against which the Council and its partners judge our policies and practices. Appendix 2


(3)      That a revised Homeless Bill of Rights be brought back to full Council for adoption, if necessary, so that it reflects the opinions and wishes of residents expressed through the consultation.


(4)      That the Housing Committee be requested to identify how the activities outlined in the Homeless Bill of Rights would be funded; and


(5)       That it be agreed to commit to a process of continuous commitment, improvement and engagement to uphold rights of homeless people.